Artscisalon and Technosalon joint event

Mark your calendar!

October 25 and October 26 will be jam-packed with events.

The Artscisalon has collaborated with our  Technosalon colleagues at York University and University of Toronto, 


Multiple imaginaries and practices gather under the term ECOLOGY. What counts as ecology, and for whom?  What is the political, epistemological, ontological and aesthetic work that the concept of ecology can do? Read the provocation on the Technosalon blog

Thursday October 25, 4-6 pm

Guests will be:

Jennifer Willet (University of Windsor, Incubator Art Lab)

Sara Wylie (Northeastern University, PLOTS)

Matt Stata ( U of T Skygarden, Food and Water Institute)

Discussant: Roberta Buiani (Artscisalon)

the event is free. Please, feel free to bring some food to share with us. 


The History Department Common Room is in Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St
George Street, Room 2098

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