Benjamin Bacon & Vivian Xu Thursday March 25, 10 AM EDT, 2 PM GST, 10 PM CST[…]
A talk and discussion with Eben Kirksey Discussants: Dr. Elizabeth Koester, Postdoctoral fellow, Department of History, UofT[…]
Thursday, January 28, 2021 at8:30 PM GST3:30 PM EST2:30 PM MX The Arte Institute and the RHI[…]
Kaleidoscopic Imaginations Performing togetherness in empty spaces An experimental collaboration between the ArtSci Salon, the Digital Dramaturgy[…]
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS Isabel Burr Raty currently runs a mobile Farm that harvests human female erotic juices[…]
Workshop Performance:Beauty Kit – eco-erogenous para-pharmaceuticsBy Isabel Burr Raty Beauty Kit is part of Boundary-Crossings: Multiscalar Entanglements[…]