November 20, 4:30 PM – Techno Tamaladas
Praba Pilar
From Pilar’s website:
The Techno-Tamaladas draw on thousands of years of practice & knowledge cultivating corn/maíz across the Americas to sustain life. In recognizing the Indigenous technology of nixtamalization as a technology of life, we reimagine technological futurity.
This is a Hybrid event: our guests will join us on zoom. Join us in person at Glendon Campus,rm YH190 (the studio next to the Glendon Theatre) for a more intimate community experience and some snacks inspired by the event. The event will be recorded.
register here if you wish to join us on zoom
Praba Pilar is a diasporic Colombian artist disrupting the contemporary ‘Cult of the Techno-Logic’ through performances, digital and electronic installations, participatory workshops, and experimental public talks. She has a PhD in Performance Studies, Directs the Teaching Institute of Art & Law, Co-Directs the Bioarts Ethical Advisory Komission, and is very active in the World Congress on New Reproductive Technology Arts.