Techno Tamaladas

November 20, 4:30 PM – Techno TamaladasPraba Pilar From Pilar’s website: The Techno-Tamaladas draw on thousands of years of practice & knowledge cultivating corn/maíz across the Americas to sustain life. In recognizing the Indigenous technology of nixtamalization as a technology of life, we reimagine technological futurity. This is a Hybrid event: our guests will join… Continue reading Techno Tamaladas

Ecologies of Urban Farming

November 13 – Ecologies of Urban Farming and Community – Panel DiscussionYork Hall 190 (next to the Theatre @ Glendon) Our Guests:Meagan Dellavilla, AanjiktigaanKaren Houle, ART + SOIL + COLLECTIVECheyenne Sundance, Sundance HarvestNicolas (Nico) Cabal, Glandon College Student and Glendon Community Garden Coordinator Meagan Dellavilla (she/her) is part of a collective caring for Aanjiktigaan, a… Continue reading Ecologies of Urban Farming

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