New ArtSci Salon Event at Fields, April 25, 6:30-9:30 pm

Thursday, April 25, 6:30-9:30 pm
Fields Institute
222 College St, Toronto, M5T 3J1

Creative Approaches to Scientific Visualization

Don’t miss this great event: we have invited two pioneers in Science Communication and Scientific Visualization. Bonnie and Justin will demonstrate  new and creative approaches to the modeling and communication of scientific knowledge. Communicating science to different and larger audiences  has been a topic very dear to the participants in the ArtSci Salon.

This event will kick off the ArtSci Salon series at the new venue at the Fields Institute

Bonnie J. Scott
Bridging entertainment and education: The art of designing video games to teach science

Bonnie will be discussing how she became a biomedical communicator and her work in the exciting new area of educational science video games. She is passionate about designing meaningful user experiences that educate people about healthcare and scientific issues while leveraging interactive and multimedia technologies. Her area of specialization is in molecular visualization and exploring how games can be used to teach science in schools, public spaces, and corporate environments.

Justin Pahara
Immersive 3D Molecular Worlds

We will explore the atomic and molecular worlds of biology and solid-state electronics in 3-dimensions! So come and immerse yourself in the world of the small.

Bonnie Scott is currently an Associate of Biomedical Communication at Bridgeable (, a boutique research and design firm in Toronto. She is a recent graduate of the Master of Science in Biomedical Communications from the University of Toronto and has a PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology from The University of Chicago. Some of her work can be seen at

Justin Pahara is a recent PhD graduate of the University of Cambridge and co-founder of Synbiota, an IT/Biotech startup focusing on making bioengineering more accessible through collaboration, education and the internet.

image from Snaremedia

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