The Cabinet Project artist talk: Tools and Instruments Apr 11, 2017

Tuesday Apr 11 – 11:30 am -1:00 pm Jackman Humanities Institute, 170 St George street, Room 100

Lunch brief talks in collaboration with the Digital Humanities Network (DHN): Tools and Instruments

What kind of Instruments do we use in our artistic/creative/professional activity? Do instruments and tools used by the humanities have to be separate from the sciences? what happens when the arts and humanities use tools traditionally reserved to the sciences? and what happens when the sciences use art in their research?

Microcollection – Artist, ITA
Erich Weidenhammer – Curator, UTSIC (University of Toronto Scientific Instruments Collection)
Roberta Buiani – Interdisciplinary Artist, Curator, co-founder, Artsci Salon
Eliot Britton – Composer
Dan McDonald – Biomedical Simulation Lab


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