New ArtSci salon/LASER Toronto: Beyond Playing. Wed. March 30, 6:00-8:00 @ Fields

ArtSci Salon is pleased to announce a new LASER Toronto event, part of the Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous series in Canada.

Beyond Playing: Art-infused games, game-infused art, and disability

We are all familiar with the major role that the gaming industry is playing in everyday culture. An increasing variety of games is being created for all audience demographics, with all sorts of purposes in mind: for entertainment, for education, for recruitment etc.. In this special LASER Toronto/ArtSci Salon event, we wish to examine different practices that turn game structures, techniques and imaginary into artistic works, or into discussions on different ability. In both cases, questions of inclusivity and accessibility, assumptions and expectations, aesthetics and taste, collective imagination and social stigma, acquire new meanings, while our attention shifts beyond playing and focuses on larger issues and interests.

Cindy Poremba , Sheridan College
Anna Lew and Martin Shook, OCADU

The event will be introduced on behalf of Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous LASER by Nina Czegledy

Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 6:00-8:00 pm
Stewart Library, 3rd floor, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences,
222 College Street,Toronto


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Cindy Poremba
is a Professor of Game Design at Sheridan College. She speaks internationally at conferences and invited lectures and has published work in several journals, edited collections and magazines. She also organizes exhibitions as an independent curator, and creates games and “new arcade” events as a member of the kokoromi experimental game collective.
Two keywords characterize her work: Art-infused games, game-infused art.

Anna Lew is an undergraduate student in her fourth year of studies in the Graphic Design program at OCAD University. Currently in her thesis year, Anna is exploring the use of qualitative attributes in video games and gaming narrative.

Martin Shook is a 4th-year Communication design student at the Ontario College of Art and Design University minoring in Sociology and Illustration and is currently pursuing a Masters in Biomedical Communications Design.

Dobble Debate is a project brought to OCAD University by Nina Czegledy in collaboration with Lynn Hughes of TAG, Concordia University. The project involves OCAD University’s Faculty of Design student researchers, Anna Lew and Martin Shook, OCAD faculty and researchers Lynne Heller, Judith Doyle and OCAD alumni Robin Len, as well as Concordia researchers Lynn Hughes and Gina Haraszti. This stimulating, games-based project was workshopped at Transitio_MX 06, a festival of new media and video that took place in Mexico City in September 2015. The goals of Dobble Debate are to use humour and imagination to look at people’s differing abilities, acquired or genetic ‘disabilities’ as they are traditionally referred to—as potentially conferring an advantage in certain circumstances. Players come away with the feeling that any differing ability might be an advantage at times. Furthermore, because the overall experience of the game is lighthearted and imaginative, players are left associating ‘disabilities’ with new perspectives. The game requires that players learn about the specifics of differing abilities.

This event is presented by ArtsciSalon and LASER Toronto. it is supported by the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences and Subtle Technologies Festival.
LASER is a project of Leonardo® /ISAST
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