Next ArtSci Salon: Assistive/Adaptive Technologies Jan. 28, 6:00-8:00 pm @ Fields

We are pleased to announce next ArtSci Salon event hosted by the Fields Institute for the Research in Mathematical Sciences
Assistive/Adaptive Technologies
: Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 6:00-8:00 pm
Where: The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences,
222 College Street, Toronto


 Description: Assistive Technology is a general term used to define a variety of  assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices (high tech, low tech or DIY) designed to assist people with disabilities, elderly and injured individuals. The term is often used indiscriminately. For instance, it doesn’t tell us anything about the scopes, the narratives and the recipients of these technologies: are they designed to improve the individual’s abilities, thus making his or her body more “efficient”, more “functional”, more “able”? Or to turn the body into a “beyond-human” engine? Who gets to benefit from these technologies? How can technological innovation and the human be integrated? Are today’s DIY technologies and high tech robotics complementary? are they sustainable?

ArtSci Salon asked four guests to address these questions and share their research on this intriguing and ethically charged topic.

Our Guests
Adriana Ieraci is affiliated with the Faculty of Information Science, University of Toronto. She is also Founder of Conveyor Built and Co-Founder, of Get Your Bot On! Robotics Hackathon

Rosalie Wang is  Assistant Professor in the  Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto. Rosalie received her BSc. (OT) from the University of British Columbia and worked as an Occupational Therapist in Canada and England.  She completed her PhD in Rehabilitation Science in collaboration with Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto. Rosalie’s research focuses on the user-centred design and implementation of technologies to assist older adults to carry out their valued daily activities. Her projects include smart wheelchairs to help people with physical and cognitive limitations to operate safely, robots for arm therapy after stroke, and robots to help people with dementia to complete everyday activities.

ginger coons works at the Critical Making Lab & Semaphore Research Cluster, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto. Using applied research to explore sociotechnical issues, the printAbility project brings together medical practitioners, social science researchers, engineers and software developers. In producing and implementing a toolchain for building 3D-printed sockets for prosthetic legs, the project raises questions about the use and implementation of new technologies in medical and developing world contexts.

Ann Heesters is Associate Director of Bioethics at Toronto’s University Health Network, Chair of the UHN Rehabilitation Science and Medicine Research Ethics Board, and is a Bioethicist with the University of Toronto’s Joint Centre for Bioethics. Ann has been practicing in the field for approximately fifteen years was the Director of Ethics at The Ottawa Hospital before coming to Toronto in 2009.
She has an abiding interest in the evolving standards of practice for health care ethicists and, with her colleagues at the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities, helped to author a code of ethics for ethicists. She is also a founding member of PHEEP (Practicing Healthcare Ethicists Exploring Professionalization) and a director of the newly established non-profit Board called CAPHE (the Canadian Association of Practicing Healthcare Ethicists).
A former reservist with the Canadian Infantry, Ann periodically reviews research proposals (related to the rehabilitation of veterans and active duty service members) for the United States Department of Defence.

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