OCCAM’S RAZOR: Art, Science and Aesthetics
At Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts
984 Queen st. West. Toronto ON M6J 1H1
April 2 – 20, 2014
At the !dea Gallery at the Ontario Science Centre
770 Don Mills Road, Toronto
May 3 to June 1, 2014
Opening Reception: Thursday April 3, 7-10pm
Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts
“Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.” – Pablo Picasso
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein
These entwined ideas – which underlie Occam’s Razor – form a thread that links the realms of science and art. Scientists rely on Occam’s Razor, which holds that simpler explanations, all things being equal, are better than more complex ones, to refine their theories and experiments. With reference to Occam’s Razor, the interdisciplinary discourse presented in this exhibition by Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts and the !dea Gallery at the Ontario Science Centre, seeks to narrow the cultural divide between Art and Science.
Participating artists:
Sylvia Adamcik, Rahni Allan, Cecilia Basic, Kelly Bell, Karina Bergmans, Penny Leong Browne, Julia Buntaine, Linda Chen, Morgan Chivers, Nicole Clouston, Stephen Crosby, Kevin Dejewski, Andrew Drown, Gina Duque, Jayanne English and Willy LeMaitre , Andrew Godsalve, David Griffin, Leeann Janiessen, Gillian King, Julia Krolik, Ania Machudera, Harry Mackay, Jason McKay, Zsuzsa Monostory, Laurel Rath, Amy Rea and Chelsea Greenwell, Paul Roorda, Perin Rutonsha, Vjosana Shkurti, Morgan Skinner, Tosca Teran, Diane Tucker, Elaine Whittaker, Ron Wild, Ross Winter
Additional Programming:
Ontario Science Centre’s Café Scientifique presents: Art & Science: Same process, different products?
Wednesday April 9, 6- 8:30pm
Gladstone Hotel 1214 Queen St W, Toronto, ON
Join us at Propeller after the discussion until 9:30pm
For more information on Cafe Scientifique visit: http://www.ontariosciencecentre.ca/CafeSci/Toronto/
Lecture at Propeller: Sunday April 13, 2:00pm (time TBC)
Title: Cosmos vs Canvas: Using Art to Reveal Science in Astronomy Public Outreach Images
Speaker: Dr. Jayanne English (Associate Professor, University of Manitoba, Dept of Physics and Astronomy)
For more information visit: http://propellerctr.com/upcoming-exhibitions/occams-razor-art-science-and-aesthetics-april-2-20-2014
Occam’s Razor on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1454670058100414/
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