ArtSci Salon/LASER event, Entanglement, Apr. 27, 6:00 pm


Quantum Theory and Creative Practice

Panel Discussion

Thursday April 27, 2017 6-8 pm

Great Hall at OCAD University

100 McCaul St., Toronto, Canada


The expanding interest in quantum phenomena by interdisciplinary artists recently inspired interactive installations, electronic music, animations and video installations such as Schrödinger’s video animation viewed 80 000 times on the ABC science website, the FutureEverything Moscow Festival in 2016 and the first Quantum Art exhibition in space in collaboration between NASA, ESA and MIT, 2015. These artworks attest to the importance of art, science and design collaborations and the ability to communicate to the larger public the complexity of significant yet often perceived abstract scientific disciplines.

The Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) series present an international program of evening gatherings spanning North America, expanding to Europe that bring artists and scientists together for informal presentations and conversations.

For this LASER event held at the Ontario College of Art University we focus on quantum phenomena, visualization, and creative practice. We have invited a panel of interdisciplinary artists and researchers in the hope of engaging in a sustained and rigorous discussion with our presenters and the audience on topics related to quantum physics, visualization, art and design. 

Panelists will include:

Martin LaForest

Senior Manager, Scientific Outreach at the Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
(Unfortunately, Raymond Laflamme won’t be able to attend the event)

Karin von Ompteda Assistant Professor, OCAD University

Laura De Decker Independent Artist, Waterloo

Jason Irizawa Lecturer, Ryerson University



Monday April 24 to Thursday 27, 2017

Great Hall at OCAD University 

100 McCaul St., Toronto, Canada


OCAD University’s Public Visualization Lab is pleased to also present an exhibition of posters interpreting quantum concepts through visual form. The posters are the outcome of an exploration of six different concepts that describe the peculiar characterists of quantum reality. Works will be on display in the Great Hall before and during the panel discussion. Poster created by Bailey McGinn, Jason Etcovitch, Jasmine Leung, Kate McDermott, Calvin Calenda, Sharon Leung. Coordinated by Ali Qadeer and Patricio Davila.


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