ArtSci Blog

Next ArtSci Salon: Culture + Genes Wed. April 23, @ Fields

Culture + Genes When: Wednesday April 23, 6:30-8:30 Where: The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences 222 College[…]

Occam’s Razor: Art, Science and Aesthetics at the Propeller Gallery

OCCAM’S RAZOR: Art, Science and Aesthetics At Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts 984 Queen st. West.[…]

Dan Falk at the Physics Colloquium, Apr. 3, 4:10-5:00

The Science of Shakespeare Lecture at the Physics Colloquium, convened by Stephen Morris, also organizer of ArtSci[…]

Galileo’s “CONCERNING The NATATION of BODIES upon, And SUBMERSION In, THE WATER” at project Gutenberg

You can find  images from Galileo’s “CONCERNING The NATATION of BODIES upon, And SUBMERSION In, THE WATER” at Project[…]

Galileo’s Falling Bodies March 27, 6:30-8:30 pm @ Fields

Artscisalon,  Subtle Technologies Festival and the Fields Institute present: Galileo’s Falling Bodies a conversation with Dan Falk,[…]

OncoMap at Fountain Art Fair in NYC

Here is an article on the Oncomap (by our former artsci salon guests Ron Wild and Joseph[…]

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