Culture + Genes When: Wednesday April 23, 6:30-8:30 Where: The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences 222 College[…]
OCCAM’S RAZOR: Art, Science and Aesthetics At Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts 984 Queen st. West.[…]
The Science of Shakespeare Lecture at the Physics Colloquium, convened by Stephen Morris, also organizer of ArtSci[…]
You can find images from Galileo’s “CONCERNING The NATATION of BODIES upon, And SUBMERSION In, THE WATER” at Project[…]
Artscisalon, Subtle Technologies Festival and the Fields Institute present: Galileo’s Falling Bodies a conversation with Dan Falk,[…]
Here is an article on the Oncomap (by our former artsci salon guests Ron Wild and Joseph[…]