Posts in events

New ArtSci Salon Sept. 24, 6:00-8:00 @ Fields. Make, do, think: new forms of literacy to make sense of the world

We dispose of an abundance of scientific tools and technological devices to measure and monitor the entangled[…]

Next ArtSci Salon Apr. 10. From Nature: Exploring Biomorphic Generative Design

The analogy between technology and nature brought us “a particular production of nature” (Haraway 1992), whereby the[…]

Next ArtSci salon March 12: Beeing Biodiverse & The Art of Spying on Wild Bees

Bees are spectacularly beautiful, remarkably diverse and extremely important. In the first part of the evenings deliberations,[…]

ArtSci Salon/LASER event: Fibers, Textures, Textiles. Thu. Feb 26 @ Fields

Fibers, Textures, Textiles ArtSci Salon is pleased to announce its second LASER Toronto, part of the Leonardo[…]

Next ArtSci Salon: Assistive/Adaptive Technologies Jan. 28, 6:00-8:00 pm @ Fields

We are pleased to announce next ArtSci Salon event hosted by the Fields Institute for the Research[…]

iGEM biohackathon, Thursday, Jan.22, 4:30-7:30 @ Fields

Join us to the iGEM biohackathon ! Thursday, January 22, 4:30pm – 7:30pm The Fields Institute for[…]

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